Economic Report : Freelancing in Europe 2024
Malt surveyed over 5,000 freelancers and interviewed several businesses across Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK to uncover trends in the freelancing industry in 2024.

Download Free Report
Read on for industry insights and methods to leverage the Future of Work. This report includes:
- How businesses are benefiting from freelancers amidst economic uncertainty- Why companies across industries are building policies for hybrid teams
Based on interviews with our clients: the key factors that are driving strong client-freelancer collaborations”

How has economic uncertainty impacted freelancing?
Even as the full-time labor market cooled down, 69% of freelancers remain confident about their long-term freelancing future. Learn how businesses are aligning their strategies with economic shifts.
Why do companies hire freelancers? A zoom into skills disruption.
Improve your hiring strategy through data-driven decision making powered by the latest industry insights. Since our last report was published in 2022, the amount of time freelancers now spend working with large corporations has increased significantly in France (15% to 26%), Spain (5% to 16%), and Germany (20% to 31%).
Freelancers are more experienced than you might think!
Learn more about what to expect when it comes to resource planning in 2024. The vast majority of freelancers (93%) start their freelancing journeys with full-time experience under their belts.

Client Perspective
“Our intention is not to replace all full-time employees with freelancers. Rather, we want to ensure we have the right experts when and where we need them at all times. For us, it’s about creating a complimentary model between our internal and external workforces — because we believe that our people will benefit from this ‘outside-in’ view as well.”
Ambroise de Boisriou
HR SVP, Power Systems & Services Schneider Electric